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Folgende Dissertationen wurden bei Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. S. Läer angefertigt:


41. Dr. rer. nat. Bushra Ali Sherazi. Digital Pharmacist: Piloting and Assessing Digital Health Tools for the Provision of Pharmaceutical Care Services in Germany. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2024)



40. Dr. rer. nat. Maira Anna Deters. Effective and optimized pharmaceutical care of patients with diabetes provided by community pharmacists. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2023)



39. Dr. rer. nat. Haidara Majid. Oromucosal drug delivery: Implementation of standardized and physiologically relevant ex vivo permeation studies in preclinical drug development. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


38. Dr. rer. nat. Imaneh Farahani. Patientenorientierte Lehre in der Klinischen
Pharmazie: Objektive strukturierte klinische Untersuchungen zum Training der Patientenberatung. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


37. Dr. rer. nat. Samieh Farahani. Innovation in der Lehre der Klinischen Pharmazie durch videobasierte Lehransätze mit Blended Learning und Flipped Classroom– Blutdruckmessung–. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


36. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Feickert. Bioanalytical evaluation of the neuropeptide Substance P in human plasma using a chemometrically developed and validated mass spectrometric assay. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


35. Dr. rer. nat. Ilja Burdman. The development and validation of a bioanalytical hybrid approach to determine active renin and its precursor utilizing high-resolution mass spectrometry. Degree: “Magna cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)


34. Dr. rer. nat. Tanja Gangnus. Reliable mass spectrometric techniques for new insights into the kallikrein-kinin system – modern bioanalytical peptide quantitation of an endogenous cascade. Degree: “Summa cum laude”. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2021)



33. Dr. rer. nat. Fabian Konstantin Süßenbach. The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in the Paediatric Population: Reliable Highly Sensitive Bioanalytical Investigations via Immunoassay and Innovative Multiplex High-resolution Mass Spectrometry. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2020)


32. Dr. rer. nat. Andrea Ines Ciplea. Krankheitsmodifizierende Therapien in der Stillzeit – Daten aus dem Deutschen Multiple Sklerose und Kinderwunschregister. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2020)


31. Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad Faisal. Model dependent pharmacokinetic analysis of enalapril following the administration of novel child-appropriate orodispersible mini-tablets. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2020)


30. Dr. rer. nat. Mohsin Ali. Bioanalytical method performance verification concept for cardiovascular research in pediatrics: From development to application in clinical trials. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2020)



29. Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Rau: Auswirkungen von Rabattvertragsarzneimitteln auf die Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit (AWATAR-Studie). Degree "Cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2019)


28. Dr. rer. nat. Nina Makowski: Development and validation of a low-volume LC-HRMS assay for the analysis of aldosterone, its precursor and main metabolite tailored for paediatric research in a GCLP-compliant environment. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2019)



27. Dr. rer. nat. Cristina Castro Díez: Paediatric Heart Failure Pharmacotherapy: a Europe-wide Survey Study and a Delphi Process. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2018)


26. Dr. rer. nat. Agnes Maria Ciplea: Implementation and evaluation of new training concepts for clinical teams to facilitate quality of sampling for sensitive pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic substances, applied within a multicentre paediatric study project. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2018)



25. Dr. rer. nat. Julia Christina Anna Schäfer: Development and validation of low-volume assays as a tool for the reliable determination of parameters associated with the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system in clinical investigations of children and adults. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2017)



24. Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad Fawad Rasool: Development and Evaluation of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinnetic Drug-Disease Models for Carvedilol in Adults and Children by Using Population Based Simulations and Real Data. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2016)


23. Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Thiel: Die Anwendung von Interferon-beta, Glatirameracetat und Natalizumab in der Schwangerschaft - eine prospektive Kohortenstudie aus dem Deutschen Multiple Sklerose und Kinderwunschregister. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2016)



22. Dr. rer. nat. Carina Schäfer: Development of a Combined Pharmacokinetic Model for Lacosamide and its Metabolite for Integrated Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Humans. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2015)


21. Dr. rer. nat. Björn Burckhardt: Child-appropriate analytical technologies as key elements for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic investigations of drugs acting on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Degree "Summa cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2015)


20. Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Ehlers: Untersuchungen über Empfehlungen zu Funktionen von elektronischen Verordnungssystemen für KinderDosierung.de. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2015)



19. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lüpken: Die Exposition von Tacrolimus in gesunden Erwachsenen und transplantierten Patienten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Pharmakogenomik. Degree "Cum Laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2014)


18. Dr. rer. nat. Emina Obarcanin: Pharmaceutical Care of Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: DIADEMA Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2014)


17. Dr. rer. nat. Anna Laven: Development of Quality-Assured Pharmaceutical Counselling in Self-Medication based on the Example of the Common Cold: Evidence-Based, Patient-Centered, Structured and Applicable to Every Day Practice. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2014)


16. Dr. rer. nat. Feras Khalil: Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Pediatric Drug Development and Research - Methodology, Applications and Limitations. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf. (2014)


15. Dr. rer. nat. Winnie Vogt: Drug therapy for low cardiac output syndrome in paediatric patients with open heart surgery: Characterisation, paediatric needs assessment and optimisation. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2014)



14. Dr. rer. nat. Sergej Ramusovic: Innovative Approaches to Cardiovascular Drug Trials and Pharmacotherapy in Children. Degree "Summa cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2013)


13. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Gorny: Entwicklung eines elektronischen Verordnungssystems  mit Entscheidungsunterstützung unter Berücksichtigung der besonderen Anforderung der Pädiatrie als Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit bei Kindern. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2013) 



12. Dr. rer. nat. Anne-Kristina Frobel: Untersuchung der Pharmakokinetik von Bisoprolol bei Kindern in einer Klinischen Studie und mit physiologiebasierter Simulation als Konsequenz aus einem systematischen Cochrane Review und als Beitrag zur Optimierung zukünftiger Studien. Degree "Summa cum laude", Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2010)


11. Dr. rer. nat. Linda Hsien: Identifying paediatric needs in cardiology and the prediction of sildenafil exposure in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2010)



10. Dr. rer. nat. Stephanie Röhm: Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit für Dextromethorphan in der Selbstmedikation - ein Beitrag des Apothekers zur personalisierten Arzneimitteltherapie. Degree "Cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2009).



9.  Dr. rer. nat. Andre Breddemann: Quantitative Pharmakologie: Simulation von virtuellen Kindern zur Optimierung der antiviralen Pharmakotherapie. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2008).



8.  Dr. rer. nat. Stefanie Albers: Einsatz von Biomarkern und in-silico-Verfahren für klinische Arzneimittelstudien bei Kindern am Beispiel von NT-proBNP und Carvedilol. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Düsseldorf (2006).



7.   Dr. rer. nat. Jan-Peer Elshoff: Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik von Sotalol bei Kindern mit tachykarden Herzrythmusstörungen und Entwicklung einer intravenösen Mikrodialysetechnik zur blutentnahmenfreien Bestimmung von Sotalolplasmakonzentrationen. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Chemistry, University of Hamburg (2005).



6.   Dr. med. Jan Arndt: Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik einer Niedrigdosis-Amiodarontherapie. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (2004).

5.   Dr. med. Ina Wauer: Pharmakokinetik einer Sotaloltherapie von tachykarden Rhythmusstörungen bei Kindern unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (2004).


4.   Dr. med. Freerk Remmers:  Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Funktion, Signaltransduktion und Expression der 5-Hydroxytryptamin-Rezeptoren am Myokard von Mensch und Ratte. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (2003).


3.   Dr. med. Sönke Marohn: Untersuchungen der Nt-proBNP-Plasmakonzentrationen bei herzinsuffizienten pädiatrischen Patienten unter besonderer Berücksichtigungder antikongestiven Therapie mit zusätzlicher Carvedilolgabe. In cooperation with the Department of Pediatric Cardiology. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (2002).


2.   Dr. rer. nat. Frederike Behn: Pharmakokinetik, Pharmakodynamik und Pharmakogenetik von Carvedilol in Abhängigkeit vom Lebensalter bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz. Degree "Summa cum laude". Faculty of Chemistry, University of Hamburg (2001).


1.   Dr. med. Martin Liebau: Versuche zur Wechselwirkung zwischen Sotalol und Colestyramin bei Menschen. Degree "Magna cum laude". Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg (1999).